Wednesday 25 January 2012

From the tree of life

The Philippines is abundantly blessed with the "Tree of Life". Wherever you go, especially near the beaches, you will see rows and rows of coconut tree. You can buy the coconut fruit in the market or in street vendors for Php15-20 each.

Botanically the coconut fruit is a drupe, not a true nut. A full-sized coconut weighs about 1.44 kilograms (3.2 lb). It takes around 6000 full-grown coconuts to produce a ton of copra.

It has the following layers:
• exocarp - the skin
• mesocarp - the flesh, is composed of fibers called coir which have many traditional and commercial uses
• endocarp
• endosperm
• embryo

The exocarp and mesocarp make up the husk of the coconut. Coconuts sold in the shops of non-tropical countries often have had the exocarp (outermost layer) removed. The shell has three germination pores (stoma) or eyes that are clearly visible on its outside surface once the husk is removed.

Why the "Tree of Life"?

The coconut palm is grown throughout the tropics for decoration, as well as for its many culinary and non-culinary uses. Every part of the coconut palm can be utilized. Its versatility is sometimes noted in its naming.

In Sanskrit it is "kalpa vriksha" which means "the tree which provides all the necessities of life".
In the Malay language, it is "pokok seribu guna" which means "the tree of a thousand uses".

In the Philippines, we call the coconut as the "tree of life". It is because nearly all parts of it are useful and it has a significant economic value. From the trunk, to the leaves and up to its fruit, Filipinos has significant/specific uses for it.

Benefits of Coconut

Classified as a "functional food" for its health benefits, coconuts go far beyond its nutritional content which mainly came from its nutritious source of coconut water, coconut milk, coconut oil and coconut meat.

Coconut Water can be taken as a healthy and refreshing drink. It is a natural isotonic beverage that contains more potassium than most sports and energy drinks. It can surely quench your thirst if you're looking for a refreshing drink especially during the hot summer months.

Coconut water health benefits:
• It makes an excellent oral rehydration beverage. Drink coconut water if you're suffering from dehydration. It contains more electrolytes than most sports drinks and more potassium than banana.
• It helps reduce swelling of hands and feet.
• It helps reduce stress and protects the body against cancer.
• It cleanses and aids kidney function and dissolves kidney stones.
• It helps balance blood sugar and possesses anti-aging properties.
• It helps relieve constipation and improves digestion.
• It helps reduce the risk of heart diseases by improving blood circulation and blood cholesterol level.
• Coconut water has no calories. It is good for those who want to lose weight.
• Coconut water contains electrolytes, calcium, potassium, magnesium and other vitamins and minerals that ensure health for the kidney and the urinary bladder. It is naturally sterile making it safe to drink even without undergoing water purification treatments.

Coconut Oil are extracted from copra which then can be used for cooking, beauty products, and even promotes weight loss by improving digestion. It is notable for its anti-microbial properties that fight off bacteria, viruses and fungi.

Coconut oil health benefits:
• It contains fatty acids that are good for the body: lauric, caprylic and capric.
• It has an anti-microbial property that protects you from bacteria and viruses.
• It is extremely nourishing and great overall moisturizer. Coconut oil is great for dry skin and helps improve skin texture.
• It has antioxidants and helps prevent skin from exposure to free radicals, preventing premature skin aging.
• It possesses the nutrients to maintain a well balance and nutritious diet, promotes weight loss and improves digestion.
• Coconut oil detoxifies skin by pulling out toxins and helps get rid of body acne. It is a great makeup remover.
• It helps reduce skin inflammation, skin rashes, fungal infections and helps remove stretch marks.
• Coconut oil is an excellent hair conditioner. It softens hair while strengthening it and conditions the scalp preventing dandruff.

Coconut Meat is great for people who are trying to gain weight since it helps build and increase muscle mass. It gives a lasting boost of energy to the body because of its high protein content.